Wednesday, May 27, 2020

What to Look for in a Network Monitoring Application

Network monitoring is necessary to ensure maximum efficiency and productivity of the data center. Monitoring applications are designed to detect, monitor and analyze all aspects of the network, monitor applications and devices in real time, and IT professionals can quickly respond to a wide range of operational issues.

"Dustin Hillard, CTO of Versive, a machine learning startup, believes that the most important monitoring options for applications are those that provide situational awareness." "A good monitoring application should prioritize device hygiene and traffic patterns that pose a risk to business operations," he added. The goal is to ensure the visibility of various events and to enable the network team with confidence and with an understanding of the context.

Monitor applications are also compatible with certain types of users, each with different levels and levels of technical understanding. "Network Engineers want to have excellent integration and capabilities to highlight problem areas and pay attention to network status, while network engineers have diagnostic capabilities like deeper protocols and performance management," says Michael. Cantor, CIO Park. Place Technologies, a provider of support technologies and server support services. "Although end users are a potential target for network monitoring applications, they may be interested in the website traffic flow they use to understand usage patterns."

Monitoring applications should provide the ability to integrate network data with business data. "It gives all employees the opportunity to learn what's going on on the network because it's about the functionality they use," says Justin Rybern, a network solutions provider, Kent solution solutions engineer. For example, marketing teams can use tracking information to identify new sales opportunities or potential customers based on network usage. Meanwhile, business leaders can follow trends such as application development, which provides important information about employee behavior. "For example, the data may reflect how many employees use BYOD as a trust for technology companies," Rybern said. Said.

While metrics are an integral part of network monitoring, it's important to note that metrics can only improve network, IT, and business conditions. "Network monitoring applications can provide valuable visibility to determine if a network is experiencing involuntary or malicious behavior, but if something goes wrong, it can be immediately identified and resolved," he said. Hillard.

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